The green economy is now.

Products to increase your return on renewable energy.

Advanced energy management to optimize solar efficiency. The iLumen product suite completes the modern, smart home.

Ilumen Home Hero

For whom

Innovators, collect.


PV manufacturers


PV installers


Smart homeowners


PV investors

Ilumrn Smart Home Applications For Green Renewable Energy

Lower your energy bill and help build the green economy.

Our products reduce grid dependency, increase intelligent energy consumption and help you reduce your carbon footprint.


Energy for the smart, self-sufficient home.

Become the boss of charging your EV. charging your EV.

Your smart EV charger. Let iLucharge charge your car while your energy levels are high due to excess solar energy.

About us

Paradigm shifters. At heart.

In het hart.

The DNA of iLumen comes from solar car racing, by making the impossible come true and pushing the boundaries of physics.

Stay tuned.

Innovation Center.

Prijzen zonnepanelen met ruim 20 procent gestegen

De prijzen van zonnepanelen zijn de afgelopen weken met ruim 20 procent gestegen. Dat meldt pv-marktplaats Search4Solar op basis van prijsupdates van de wereldwijde top 10 van zonnepaneelfabrikanten. Eerder meldde handelsplatform pvXchange dat de zonnepaneelprijzen

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